Monday, December 23, 2024

Kyo Karucha Cafe 京・菓る茶 (Kyoto, JAPAN) ★★★☆☆

We didn't have a lot on the plate this afternoon so after enjoying a nice bowl of soba noodles at
Saryo Tesshin (茶寮哲心), we decided to take a leisurely walk back to Nishiki Market (錦市場).

Kyo Karucha Cafe 京・菓る茶 (Kyoto, JAPAN) - Dessert cafe near Marutamachi / Karasuma Oike Kyoto popular cartoon cheese shaped cheesecakes too cute to eat

I thought I had this all sorted out. On our way to Nishiki Market, we were going to stop by Grains de vanille, one of my favorite pâtisserie in Kyoto, for some sweet treats and perhaps a cup of tea as well but the best laid plans.....

Kyo Karucha Cafe 京・菓る茶 (Kyoto, JAPAN) - Dessert cafe near Marutamachi / Karasuma Oike Kyoto popular cartoon cheese shaped cheesecakes too cute to eat

I mistakenly escorted everyone to Kyo Karucha Cafe (京・菓る茶) instead of Grains de vanille. As soon as little nugget saw the cute little cheesecakes (口福芝士蛋糕) here, he won't go anywhere else for desserts. 😂😂

Kyo Karucha Cafe 京・菓る茶 (Kyoto, JAPAN) - Dessert cafe near Marutamachi / Karasuma Oike Kyoto popular cartoon cheese shaped cheesecakes too cute to eat

These cartoon cheese shaped cheesecakes, called "Happiness cheesecake" at Kyo Karucha came in all sorts of different flavors including this limited-time-only raspberry flavor (¥570).

Kyo Karucha Cafe 京・菓る茶 (Kyoto, JAPAN) - Dessert cafe near Marutamachi / Karasuma Oike Kyoto popular cartoon cheese shaped cheesecakes too cute to eat

We decided to climb the stairs to check out their tea salon on the mezzanine floor.

Kyo Karucha Cafe 京・菓る茶 (Kyoto, JAPAN) - Dessert cafe tea salon near Marutamachi / Karasuma Oike Kyoto popular cartoon cheese shaped cheesecakes too cute to eat

I can really sense the heart put into this dessert shop. Just look at this beautifully decorated hot chocolate little nugget ordered!

Kyo Karucha Cafe 京・菓る茶 (Kyoto, JAPAN) - Dessert cafe tea salon near Marutamachi / Karasuma Oike Kyoto popular cartoon cheese shaped cheesecakes too cute to eat

I had to get my caffeine fix. It's been a long day.

Kyo Karucha Cafe 京・菓る茶 (Kyoto, JAPAN) - Dessert cafe tea salon near Marutamachi / Karasuma Oike Kyoto popular cartoon cheese shaped cheesecakes too cute to eat

Happiness Cheesecake Strawberry (¥570) – Little one is a sucker for anything in strawberry flavor so no surprise that he's picking this over the other flavors.

Kyo Karucha Cafe 京・菓る茶 (Kyoto, JAPAN) - Dessert cafe tea salon near Marutamachi / Karasuma Oike Kyoto popular cartoon cheese shaped cheesecakes too cute to eat

Judging from his facial expression, he's enjoying this very much.

Kyo Karucha Cafe 京・菓る茶 (Kyoto, JAPAN) - Dessert cafe tea salon near Marutamachi / Karasuma Oike Kyoto popular cartoon cheese shaped cheesecakes too cute to eat

"Yummy!", he said!!!

Kyo Karucha Cafe 京・菓る茶 (Kyoto, JAPAN) - Dessert cafe tea salon near Marutamachi / Karasuma Oike Kyoto popular cartoon cheese shaped cheesecakes too cute to eat

Happiness Cheesecake (¥570) – I had the original flavor myself.

Kyo Karucha Cafe 京・菓る茶 (Kyoto, JAPAN) - Dessert cafe tea salon near Marutamachi / Karasuma Oike Kyoto popular cartoon cheese shaped cheesecakes too cute to eat

Hidden inside the cream cheese was a bit of yoghurt custard for some slightly different texture and flavor. Not bad.

Kyo Karucha Cafe 京・菓る茶 (Kyoto, JAPAN) - Dessert cafe tea salon near Marutamachi / Karasuma Oike Kyoto popular cartoon cheese shaped cheesecakes too cute to eat

I have to admit, the Happiness cheesecakes tasted a little better than I first anticipated. The subtle cheese notes, coupled with the cute presentation, made for a unexpectedly pleasing combination.

Food Rating: 5.9/10
Price: ¥¥
Address: 51 Matsuyacho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, 604-0831, Japan
Closest Metro Station: Marutamachi / Karasuma Oike
Tel: +81 (0)75 708-2377
Opening Hours: 10:00am - 7:00pm (Thu - Tue)

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