Saturday, July 15, 2023

Gaddi's 吉地士 (Hong Kong, CHINA) ★★★★☆

The script is playing out perfectly again for me this weekend as I have another chance to go on a culinary journey with little nugget going off for a school event. My initial move was to give Roganic, one of my favorite casual-dining restaurant a call but the plan didn't work out as their last-call was at 1:45pm. The timing was a little out of reach for me so in a desperate move, I rang Gaddi's up. To my pleasant surprise, they had a table available at 2pm. Needless to say, I took it in a heartbeat. 

Gaddi's (吉地士) The Peninsula Hong Kong, French fine-dining

Some warm cheese gougères to start things off here as usual.

Gaddi's (吉地士) The Peninsula Hong Kong, French fine-dining

I only picked two kinds of bread, bacon onion roll and sunflower brioche, in order to leave myself some room for the dishes ahead.

Gaddi's (吉地士) The Peninsula Hong Kong, French fine-dining

But obviously, the kitchen staff had other ideas as they continued to pepper me with more bread; this time with their homemade sourdough bread. This was served with two kinds of butter including the red one with some serious spicy kick.

The amuse bouche today was the same one I had here for the past three to four years. My server described it as some sort of vichyssoise but this tasted more like a cold version of the French onion soup with braised onion, onion jelly and parmesan foam topped by a sprinkle of crispy crouton. There was some smokiness in there from what I thought was smoky bacon. Really not a bad amuse to start the meal with but they have probably gone to the well way too many times.

Gaddi's (吉地士) The Peninsula Hong Kong, French fine-dining

Morisseau mussel velouté, melted leeks, nori and lemon – Speaking of familiarity, my starter was another dish I know a little something about from my previous visit.

Gaddi's (吉地士) The Peninsula Hong Kong, French fine-dining - Morisseau mussel velouté, melted leeks, nori and lemon

This was a great choice for someone (like me) who's looking for a creamy, rich and powerful start to the meal. The velouté came with some pretty strong flavors from the amazingly delicious Morisseau mussels and sea water. It worked well with the leeks pureé and seaweed but not so much with the lemon (custard) on the bottom.

Gaddi's (吉地士) The Peninsula Hong Kong, French fine-dining - Morisseau mussel velouté, melted leeks, nori and lemon

Grilled Iberico pork pluma, light polenta, girolle mushrooms – The pork was done beautifully with very nice, caramelized texture. I like how they matched it with variations of sweet corn and girolle mushrooms too. But the ginger in the pork jus and glaze? I was less a fan of.

Gaddi's (吉地士) The Peninsula Hong Kong, French fine-dining - Grilled Iberico pork pluma, light polenta, girolle mushrooms

Peanut biscuit, 70% chocolate ganache, chocolate mousse, vanilla sauce – To stay the course with strong flavors, I decided to go with the chocolate dessert instead of the raspberry with yoghurt mousse or apricot soufflé. The peanut biscuit, I thought, really stood out nicely with its texture and nutty flavors forming a delightful partnership with the richly-flavored chocolate ganache and mousse.

Gaddi's (吉地士) The Peninsula Hong Kong, French fine-dining - Peanut biscuit, 70% chocolate ganache, chocolate mousse, vanilla sauce

I haven't had tea this morning so this was a perfect opportunity to get some caffeine.

Blueberry viennoiserie, passion fruit macaron (luckily not too much acidity) and champagne chocolate. Very thankful for the extra set of mignardises. 

A very enjoyable lunch as always when I dine at Gaddi's. This afternoon's service was again excellent and I thought they did an exceptional job with pacing too. Sometimes, it gets a little tricky to set the pace for a solo diner but the team here passed in flying colors.  

Food Rating: 7.7/10
Price: $$$$
Address: 1/F, The Peninsula Hong Kong, 22 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Closest Metro Station: Tsim Sha Tsui
Tel: +852 2696-6763
Opening Hours: 12:00pm - 2:30pm, 7:00pm - 10:30pm (Tue - Sat)

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