Thursday, October 17, 2019

Lotus Vegetarian Restaurant 蓮花健康素食 (Hong Kong, CHINA) ★★★☆☆

I have a pretty tight lunch schedule today and that schedule got even tighter when I decided to squeeze in dessert right before lunch. To save myself some precious time, I chose to have a quick and simple vegetarian meal at Lotus Vegetarian Restaurant (蓮花健康素食) albeit very reluctantly. Location-wise, it was perfect as it's conveniently situated next to Kai Kai Dessert where I just had my black sesame soup!

Vegetarian Singaporean noodlesI have walked past this traditional vegetarian restaurant a number of times but it's my first time having a meal here. But I probably should have come at a different time coz as soon as I was seated, I was told it's one of the festive days in the Buddhist calendar. What that means was a lot of the dishes weren't going to be available.

I have been longing for some singaporean noodles for a while but this was the vegetarian version of it, with faux meat, onion, mushroom and bean sprouts. This wasn't bad but without the real BBQ pork and prawns, it just didn't taste the same. 

Food Rating: 4.5/10
Price: $$
Address: 31 Ning Po Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Closest Metro Station: Jordan
Tel: +852 2328-7686
Opening Hours: 10:00am - 10:30pm daily

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