Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Privilège Appart-Hôtel Clément Ader (Toulouse, FRANCE)

Our visit to southwestern France officially kicks off with a brief stint in Toulouse. I've been trying to find the perfect accommodation in the city but only to find that there's no such thing as perfect here. I ended up picking Privilège Appart-Hôtel Clément Ader near the train station cuz the two-story apartment would likely appeal to my little nugget (more than a typical hotel room).

I have been sick like a puppy the moment we arrived in Toulouse so after checking into the aparthotel, I decided to call it the day. Poor mom and little nugget were stuck with some sandwiches as the designated driver was too sick to drive.

Little nugget looked devastated when he learnt that our dinner plans had gone down the drain (sorry son!).

For a small apartment of this size, its open kitchen sure looks big.

One of the things I like about this room is the fact that the bedrooms are situated on the upper level, away from the living room and kitchen.

There are two bedrooms here. The first one has two single beds. We had to look out for the low ceiling though. I banged my head there a couple of times!

The master bedroom is so much more well-appointed. Even got much higher ceiling!

Just one bathroom in the entire apartment. That's a big knock.

And a separate toilet next door.

One thing I will never forget about Toulouse is the awful weather we had on both days. Last night while I was sleeping on the sofa bed with my high fever, I could still vaguely hear the heavy rain banging on the balcony outside. This morning, the weather wasn't much better so we were all relieved to be leaving this miserable place. 

Rating: ❤❤❤
Price: €€
Address: 23 Rue de Bayard, 31000 Toulouse, France
Tel: +33 (0)5 6273-2828

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