Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Paul Bakery Rue Musette (Dijon, FRANCE) ★★★☆☆

Finding a breakfast spot in Dijon continued to be a challenge for us, even though we were staying very close to the city centre. Since I was responsible for picking up our take-away breakfast this morning, I decided to go to a familiar spot for some baked goods  Paul Bakery on Rue Musette.

While it was our first time in Dijon, I have known Paul, the long-standing French bakery chain founded in 1889 for years. They are best known for their traditional French bread, pastries and other baked goods. Just before this trip, I have already pinned this location on my Google Map.

Plain croissant 
– Something simple for my little one. While this likely won't pass my cross-section test, it was a nice and hearty way for him to start the morning (with his milk).

Pistachio macaron – An unlikely candidate for my breakfast but I've always been a fan of Paul's jumbo macarons. So, why not!?

I have had a lot of macarons from Paul before and there was always a nice harmony between its delicate shell and flavorful ganache filling. This should get me through the morning.

Price: €€€
Address: 21/23 Rue Musette, 21000 Dijon, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 5928-9853
Opening Hours: 7:00am - 7:00pm (Mon - Sat)

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