Thursday, July 25, 2024

Yin Yue at Panda Hotel 殷悦中菜廳 悦來酒店 (Hong Kong, CHINA) ★★★☆☆

It’s been a while since we last held a gathering with some of our departed colleagues from the good old days. In order to iron out a date, I have been exchanging text messages with a few colleagues the past week even when I was on vacation in Bangkok, and we finally decided on this Thursday. As some of us have been raving about Yin Yue (殷悅) at Panda Hotel (悅來酒店), I was all too happy to accommodate this request.

For years, Yin Yue was on my list of go-to Chinese restaurants in Tsuen Wan, but the drop in service and quality saw them removed from that list for a while. Let’s see if it’s worthy of a recall.

Tofu skin roll in lobster bisque (龍蝦湯鮮竹卷) – Bamboo shoots, mushrooms and black fungus wrapped underneath the tofu skin sheets, with the flavorful lobster bisque providing a sublime finish. Solid start.

Steamed pork skin and squid in curry sauce (咖哩豬皮土魷) – I was never a fan of this dish and would remain that way for the foreseeable future. As usual, the squid was a little rubbery; the crispy pork skin fared slightly better with the gluey curry sauce but that’s about all the good things I would say about this dish.

Steamed pork dumpling with scallop (杞子玉帶燒賣) – Very nice and meaty.

Steamed rice flour roll with minced beef and coriander (香茜牛肉腸粉) – Gotta love that strong fragrance from the coriander.

Steamed rice with grouper fish head, garlic and lotus leaf (蒜蓉荷香蒸龍躉頭腩飯) – One of the house specialty here so it was nice to see my colleagues didn't miss it (I wasn’t in charge of ordering today).

I thought the rice was getting more attention than the fish and understandably so, with the rice doing a great job absorbing the flavors from the fish oil, garlic and lotus leaf.

Poached vegetables (白灼時蔬) – Some veggies to stay healthy of course.

We did order more than the writing here suggested but I was too busy doing most of the talking so I probably missed out on quite a number of dishes than I could remember.

Food Rating: 6.2/10
Price: $$$$
Address: 30/F, Panda Hotel, 3 Tsuen Wah Street, Tsuen Wan, NT, Hong Kong
Closest Metro Station: Tsuen Wan
Tel: +852 2409-3182
Opening Hours: 11:00am - 3:00pm, 6:00pm - 10:30pm daily

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