Saturday, July 13, 2024

Kwei Mun Lung PAFC Mall 桂满陇·西湖船宴 平安金融中心店 (Shenzhen, CHINA) ★★★☆☆

Little nugget and I are meeting up with Jelloman and her girlfriends for an early dinner tonight. Just before the girls headed off for their spa, the memo was already out for us to meet at Ping’an Financial Centre a little before 6pm with the hope of getting a table at Kwei Mun Lung (桂满陇·西湖船宴).

Kwei Mun Lung is one of the fan favorites at PAFC. One obvious draw is the restaurant’s interior décor resembling having dinner on a boat cruising on the river. in fact, it could be the main attraction for restaurant guests (along with the reasonable price tags) rather than its modern Hangzhou cuisine.

Little nugget was definitely enjoying his "boat ride".

Hangzhou stinky tofu (乾炸杭州臭豆腐) – Not a fan and never would be one. Enough said.

Grass wrapped meat (東坡草扎肉) – Our server came to put the finishing touch on by untying the hay knots on the fatty pork and slicing the pork open with a pair of scissors. This was pretty tender with subtle notes from the hay.

Hangzhou chicken juice steamed dumplings (雞汁杭州小籠包) – Nice sweet flavors from the chicken broth but that’s about all I could remember about this dish.

Hangzhou-style roasted chicken (杭州叫花鷄) – Nothing to write home about except the antics to break the shell that was wrapping the chicken in the middle, with little nugget doing the honor.

Nice job, kiddo!

Longjing shrimps (龍井鳳尾蝦仁) – Decent but the fragrance from the Longjing tea hardly registered.

West Lake squirrel cinnamon fish (西湖桂鼠桂魚) – One dish that truly deserved an encore was the squirrel cinnamon fish. It was served in a cinnamon vinaigrette sauce rather than the orange colored sauce made with tomato which we were accustomed to growing up in Hong Kong.

For all the fancy décor, the bill came in relatively easy on the wallet. I guess that explained the huge lineup in front of the restaurant.

Food Rating: 5.2/10
Price: ¥¥
Address: Shop 601, Level 6 PAFC, 5033 Yitian Road, Futian, Shenzhen, China
Closest Metro Station: Shopping Park (購物公園)
Tel: +86 13023159902
Opening Hours: 11:00am - 2:30pm, 5:00pm - 9:00pm daily

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