Saturday, August 19, 2023

Ginza Kamo Soba Kyudaime Keisuke 銀座鴨そば 九代目けいすけ 銀座店 (Tokyo, JAPAN) ★★★★☆

This is not how I draw it up. Not quite.

With about half a dozen of ramen shops near our hotel in Ginza (all with high ratings in Tabelog), I knew at some point that I would be paying some of them a visit. I just didn’t know it would be my first meal in Tokyo. 

Picking Ginza Kamo Soba Kyudaime Keisuke (銀座鴨そば 九代目けいすけ 銀座店) was a no-brainer for me though.

Ginza Kamo Soba Kyudaime Keisuke 銀座鴨そば 九代目けいすけ 銀座店 [Tokyo, Japan] - Duck clear soup ramen

With my desire to check out one of the duck broth ramen places on this trip, it easily jumped right on top of my list.

Ginza Kamo Soba Kyudaime Keisuke 銀座鴨そば 九代目けいすけ 銀座店 [Tokyo, Japan] - Duck clear soup ramen food menu

Here, there were two different duck broths for diners to choose from, a thick one labeled as rich and flavorful and a consommé-style clear broth (清湯鴨拉麵) touted for its fragrance. On most given nights, I would be all over the thick one but not today. As I have not eaten since my early breakfast, all I wanted was something simple and one that requires less work for my stomach!

Ginza Kamo Soba Kyudaime Keisuke 銀座鴨そば 九代目けいすけ 銀座店 [Tokyo, Japan] - Duck clear soup ramen

I was pretty happy with the umami-rich clear broth which was full of rich and distinctive poultry flavors.

Ginza Kamo Soba Kyudaime Keisuke 銀座鴨そば 九代目けいすけ 銀座店 [Tokyo, Japan] - Duck clear soup ramen

This came with bamboo shoot, vegetables and slices of duck breast which were succulent, firm and chewy at times (in a good way).

Ginza Kamo Soba Kyudaime Keisuke 銀座鴨そば 九代目けいすけ 銀座店 [Tokyo, Japan] - Duck clear soup ramen

I thought the noodles were alright. I wonder if thinner noodles (like the Chinese wonton noodles) might help to cling to the clear broth a little better.

Food Rating: 6.5/10
Price: ¥¥¥
Address: 6-12-15 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
Closest Metro Station: Ginza / Higashi-ginza
Tel: +81 3-6274-6655
Opening Hours: 11:00am - 10:00pm daily

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