Saturday, August 26, 2023

Donut Stand Arashiyama (Kyoto, JAPAN) ★★★☆☆

Nobody really wanted to walk all the way back to the JR Sagano Line after spending time strolling Arashiyama's shopping strip so I was asked to explore other options for our return to Osaka. As Arashiyama Station on the Keifuku Randen Tram Line (嵐電 京福電鐵) was just a stone's throw from the shopping strip, I figured I should find a way to utilize the electric tram. 

Donut Stand Arashiyama [Kyoto, JAPAN] - amazing crème brûlée doughnuts creamy custard

But before I could locate the map of the tram line, I happened to run into Donut Stand Arashiyama which was situated right next to the platform.

Donut Stand Arashiyama [Kyoto, JAPAN] - amazing crème brûlée doughnuts creamy custard

I am a sucker for doughnuts so of course, I needed to stop for a quick look.

Donut Stand Arashiyama [Kyoto, JAPAN] - amazing crème brûlée doughnuts creamy custard

And these weren't your typical doughnuts. They were crème brûlée doughnuts with soft, pillowy fried dough, and a creamy custard centre. 

Donut Stand Arashiyama [Kyoto, JAPAN] - amazing crème brûlée doughnuts creamy custard

They came in different flavors but as a purist (when it comes to doughnuts), I decided to skip the fancy stuff (such as matcha) and simply go with their original flavor.

Donut Stand Arashiyama [Kyoto, JAPAN] - amazing crème brûlée doughnuts creamy custard

A crunchy caramel glaze on top, nice!

Donut Stand Arashiyama [Kyoto, JAPAN] - amazing crème brûlée doughnuts creamy custard

I thought the mouthfeel was pretty interesting. It felt more like having a Basque cheesecake (with runny custard in the middle) than a doughnut to me. But I guess nobody would say no to a fried dough which has just come out of the fryer. 

Donut Stand Arashiyama [Kyoto, JAPAN] - amazing crème brûlée doughnuts creamy custard

Food Rating: 6.1/10
Price: ¥¥¥
Address: Hannari Hokkori Square (next to the tram platform), 20 Sagatenryuji Susukinobabacho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, 616-8384, Japan
Closest Metro Station: Arashiyama
Tel: +81 50-1133-2180
Opening Hours: 10:00am - 6:00pm daily

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