Sunday, June 11, 2023

Maru De Sankaku 鯛白湯らーめん○de▽ (Hong Kong, CHINA) ★★★★☆

After attending a birthday party near HKU station, we decided to take the tram down to Sheung Wan for little nugget's favorite ramen. I've been telling little guy about Maru De Sankaku (鯛白湯らーめん○de▽) and its fragrant fish broth (鯛魚白湯) for nearly two years now so it was nice to finally make this a reality.

We were all too lazy to pick their tsukemen, or dipping noodles (沾麵); just the standard thick red sea bream soup for everyone.

This came with the usual ingredients. The bamboo shoot was very sweet again. The sliced meat was decent, meshing well with diced sea bream, noodles and foamy cappuccino-style broth. As usual, I didn't touch the yuzu paste as I wasn't a big fan of yuzu.

It's been a while since my last visit and not surprisingly, I was quite happy with the full-bodied broth. Little nugget, despite being a fan of Japanese ramen, confessed to me hours later that he didn't fully enjoy the ramen cuz he thought the broth was too fishy for him. I guess he's more of a fan of Zagin Soba (座銀), the sister restaurant of Maru De Sankaku instead. He's much more into chicken white broth these days.

Right before he ventured down to Sheung Wan, he took a stopover at the park and let the kids run around a bit (as if they needed more running this afternoon).

Of course, the main event was the tram ride. I didn't get to do this as a kid so I had no idea how I would feel sitting on the upper deck overlooking the scenic view on a tram ride as a kid. But judging from their facial expression, they all love it~!

Food Rating: 6.7/10
Price: $$$
Address: G/F, 13 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong
Closest Metro Station: Central
Tel: +852 2346-3889
Opening Hours: 11:30am - 9:30pm daily

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