Sunday, May 26, 2024

Mido Cafe 美都餐室 (Hong Kong, CHINA) ★★★☆☆

Little guy’s P2 final assessment starts next week and for about two weeks or so, we have shut down our “operations” over the weekend to solely focus on the upcoming tasks to get him up to speed on his examination. This weekend will be the last one in terms of preparation so we (me, our parents and helper) have been put on “high alert” 🚨 by none other than the Commander in charge, Jelloman herself.

Mido Cafe 美都餐室 [Hong Kong, CHINA] - Popular vintage local tea restaurant opened in 1950 Yau Ma Tei Temple Street

As I deem myself as a distraction to everybody when I was in the house, I decided to head out for a very late lunch at 3pm this afternoon. After wandering around Yau Ma Tei for a bit, the idea of visiting the vintage Mido Cafe (美都餐室) suddenly came to mind.

Mido Cafe 美都餐室 [Hong Kong, CHINA] - Popular vintage local tea restaurant opened in 1950 Yau Ma Tei Temple Street

First opened in 1950, Mido Cafe briefly closed down in 2022 due to Covid-19 but has now reopened for business to much fanfare.

Mido Cafe 美都餐室 [Hong Kong, CHINA] - Popular vintage local tea restaurant opened in 1950 Yau Ma Tei Temple Street

Of course, I had to get behind one of these booth seats by the window overlooking historic Temple Street (廟街).

Mido Cafe 美都餐室 [Hong Kong, CHINA] - Popular vintage local tea restaurant opened in 1950 Yau Ma Tei Temple Street

Iced milk tea (凍奶茶)  The richness of tea flavors was missing a bit but there was enough milk to lend a delightful creamy texture.

Mido Cafe 美都餐室 [Hong Kong, CHINA] - Popular vintage local tea restaurant opened in 1950 Yau Ma Tei Temple Street

Chicken a la king with rice (白汁雞皇飯)  It took a while for the kitchen to prepare this but it finally arrived before I raise my hand asking for its whereabout.

Mido Cafe 美都餐室 [Hong Kong, CHINA] - Popular vintage local tea restaurant opened in 1950 Yau Ma Tei Temple Street

This was way better than the typical chicken a la king from an old-school cafe. For starter, the cream sauce wasn’t like glue sticking to the steamed rice. Instead, it was light but flavorful working well with the chicken fillet, mushroom and thin strips of pepper.

Mido has often been labelled as a tourist trap due to their relatively aggressive price for a cha chaan teng but I think there’s something to like about this 74-year old place that is worth their price tag.

Food Rating: 5/10
Price: $$$
Address: G/F, 63 Temple Street, Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong
Closest Metro Station: Yau Ma Tei
Tel: +852 2384-6402
Opening Hours: 11:00am - 8:00pm (Thu - Tue)


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