Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Hidden 秀殿 (Hong Kong, CHINA) ★★★★☆

For two years, I've been itching to go back to Hidden (秀殿), one of my favorite restaurants in town which has been getting it done whenever I craved for some seriously delicious Japanese skewers (串揚). But despite launching a new online booking system late last year, Hidden remains one of the hardest reservation to get and I've been unsuccessful in securing a table since last November. Needless to say, I was getting a little frustrated about it.

Eventually, I decided to ring them up after Chinese New Year asking for the dates that they had the shortest waiting list. That move subsequently paid off and I was finally informed that I got myself a table in early March. Almost four months in the making!

To mark this very special occasion, I decided to recruit Mr. G as my partner in crime tonight as we both enjoy the delicacies from Japan very much.

Potato salad (薯仔沙律) – I love anything with potato in it so naturally, this is a dish that I usually started my meal here with.

Cold tomato (凍蕃茄) – Nothing wrong to start the meal with some clean flavors. I presume these are from Fukuoka.

Ponzu sauce chicken skin (酸汁雞皮) – Mr. G suggested having this dish and what a refreshing starter that was. The ponzu sauce (more like jelly) came with some nice acidity which meshed well with the chicken skin.

Fried chicken wing (炸雞翼) – One of my favorite dishes here and one that I would never get tired of. It was finished off with the homemade sweet soy.

Deep-fried shrimp (蝦) – Speaking of signature dish, here's another one. The shrimp was very meaty and very nice to go with the crispy batter. Not sure if it's considered a shrimp. I think it's more like a prawn to me.

Of course, the highlight came when we popped the head right into our mouth all in one bite.

Rice cake (日本年糕) – I thought this tasted almost like their grilled cheese, texture-wise. Not bad.

Oyster bacon roll (日本蠔煙肉卷) – I had high hope whenever I ordered this dish.

Pretty tasty but I recalled having a even better one from Nishiki Yakitori. That was without the crispy batter of course.

Deep-fried asparagus (蘆筍) – We had a break of action away from the seafood and onto the vegetables. The asparagus tasted pretty nice with the batter around them and the sauce added some umami-rich flavors on top.

Deep-fried lotus root (蓮藕) – A thick-cut lotus root with some crispiness. Not bad.

Scallop salmon roes (帶子三文魚籽) – One of my favorite dishes around here and they tend to serve it up as the final savory dish. This was again very very tasty with the explosion from the salmon roes matching up against the scallop very nicely.

Homemade pudding (自家製香濃布丁) – I remembered I've never had dessert here before bcuz we've always been so stuffed with the skewers. This time around, I had made sure that we've left enough room in our stomach to accommodate it.

The creamy creme brulee like pudding was finished off beautifully with a layer of rich caramel sauce on top, sending us home with a very happy tummy. 

Just super happy to be back after almost two years. I think within our group of friends, there's a real good sense that things are finally back to normal now and we are having all these social gatherings again. 'Normal' life after COVID-19 is officially back.

Food Rating: 7.5/10
Price: $$$$
Address: Room D, 3/F, Prosperous Commercial Building, 54 Jardine's Bazaar, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Closest Metro Station: Causeway Bay
Tel: +852 2504-1511
Opening Hours: 6:30pm - 1:00am (Tue - Sun)

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