Thursday, February 7, 2019

Restaurante Viandas Warehouse (Madrid, SPAIN) ★★★☆☆

Our next stop was supposed to be Plaza Mayor, a main square in the heart of Madrid, which was once the historic centre of Old Madrid but we couldn't help but got distracted by the Iberican legs hanging down the walls of Restaurante Viandas Warehouse.

A closer look revealed that Viandas is more than just a butcher shop. Founded back in 1336, the brand has more than 30 stores in Spain, France and United Kingdom selling their own wine, cheese, olive oil and Iberian ham.

We decided to sit down at the bar and enjoy some freshly made Bocadillos de jamon iberico (Iberian ham sandwiches) but only to get turned away because their butcher just stepped out of the shop (to return in half an hour, what's up with that?)!

So, we had to settle with these Iberian ham sandwiches (€4.50) which were sitting at the front counter. Apart from the fact that these were not made to order, we also noticed a big difference in price. These cost three times less than the ones made with Paleta Iberica (Iberico ham shoulder, which are the ones hanging from the wall).

The shop manager explained that Paleta Iberica, which is the shoulder, or front leg of the pig, tends to be tastier due to its intermuscular fat content. It's known for its intense and rich flavors. Too bad their butcher wasn't around so we had to go with these ones made with Jamon Iberico which is the back leg of the pig. Honestly, I couldn't tell the difference. It's chewy like beef jerky but very richly flavored. I guess my only complaint was that it had very little to no marbling.

They have a slightly more formal restaurant on the first floor, serving well what else other than their Iberico ham. But we've got our lunch plan all figured out already. Perhaps next time.

Price: €€€
Address: Calle Mayor, 36, 28013 Madrid, Spain
Closest Metro Station: Ópera
Tel: +34 912-918321

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