Thursday, January 23, 2020

Pâtisserie & Chocolatier Thierry Bamas (Bayonne, FRANCE) ★★★★☆

There were a number of shops I knew I had to visit during our stay in Bayonne and Biarritz with Thierry Bamas's patisserie and chocolatier right on top of my list.

Originally from Marseilles, Chef Thierry Bamas is highly regarded as one of the top pâtissiers working in the region. He started his career as a pastry chef at Michelin starred restaurants Jean-Paul Hartmann (réoux-les-Bains) and Patrice Demangel (Saint-Jean de Luz) before going on to teach pastry making at CFA in Bayonne. It was in this city that he opened his first-ever pastry shop in 1998. In 2009, he moved his boutique and entire operation to nearby Anglet but only to open two more outlets in Biarritz and Bayonne (again) 4 years later in 2013.

Chef Bamas won numerous international accolades throughout the years. In 2010, he was the World Champion of frozen desserts (awarded in Rimini Italy) and a year later, he won "meilleur ouvrier de France" (MOF) pastry chef, one of the highest recognition for a pâtissier.

While the gang was still enjoying their ramen, I decided to grab the opportunity and visit Chef Bama's pastry shop just across the street on Rue d'Espagne.

As a chocolatier, the chef's chocolate desserts obviously deserve a lot of attention but I was looking for something cheesy as tonight's dessert.

Le Cheesecake (€4.50) - The base here is a crispy lemon flavored crumble.

The layered cake composed of a layer of lime cream cheese, a foamy mousse made with sparkling wine and mango yuzu cream with small pieces of mango in it. A fruity cheesecake, I love the sound of it!

The cream cheese is very light and delicate but there seems to be a little too much acidity and not enough sweetness to back it up.

I suspect that wasn't the best from Chef Bamas but too bad we didn't have time to go back for a second visit on this trip. Until next time.....

Food Rating: 6.8/10
Price: €€€
Address: 81 Rue d'Espagne, 64100 Bayonne, France
Tel: +33 (0)5 5903-6242
Opening Hours: 10:00am - 1:00pm, 3:00pm - 7:00pm (Mon - Sat)

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