Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Sham Tsai Kee 深仔記茶餐廳 (Hong Kong, CHINA) ★★★☆☆

It's been a while since I last enjoyed some Chinese sausages () at home. The iconic Cantonese cured meat has been practically banned by Jelloman at home unless we are preparing for our New Year turnip cakes. But tonight, the crave has gotten worse so I decided to swing by Sham Tsai Kee (深仔記茶餐廳) to scratch this itch.

Sham Tsai Kee 深仔記茶餐廳 [Hong Kong, CHINA] - Clay pot rice with Chinese sausage (臘腸煲仔飯) with minced pork "meat cake" (蒸肉餅)

When one googles "clay pot rice" on the web, Sham Tsai Kee (深仔記) (but this is Sham Tsai Kee tea restaurant 深仔記茶餐廳, is there a difference between the two? 🤔) typically ranks very high on the search results. I'm going to see if it's as good as advertised.

Sham Tsai Kee 深仔記茶餐廳 [Hong Kong, CHINA] - Clay pot rice with Chinese sausage (臘腸煲仔飯) with minced pork "meat cake" (蒸肉餅)

A small bowl of Chinese winter melon soup kicked things off for tonight's clay pot meal.

Poached vegetables (白灼油菜) 
– It was followed by a generous portion of poached vegetables served with a pool of oyster sauce on the side.

Clay pot rice with Chinese sausage (臘煲仔飯) – After a 20-minute wait, my clay pot rice was finally ready to be served.

Sham Tsai Kee 深仔記茶餐廳 [Hong Kong, CHINA] - Clay pot rice with Chinese sausage (臘腸煲仔飯) with minced pork "meat cake" (蒸肉餅)

As always, I began by pouring sweet soy all over the minced pork "meat cake" (蒸肉餅). This was OK but for the price tag of $108, I expected more. More Chinese sausages and a "meat cake" that tastes better. OK simply wasn't enough for me.

Sham Tsai Kee 深仔記茶餐廳 [Hong Kong, CHINA] - Clay pot rice with Chinese sausage (臘腸煲仔飯) with minced pork "meat cake" (蒸肉餅)

Food Rating: 4.5/10
Price: $$$
Address: G/F, Kowloon Centre, 29-39 Ashley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Closest Metro Station: Tsim Sha Tsui
Tel: +852 9377-0072
Opening Hours: 7:00am - 11:30pm daily

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