Sunday, September 12, 2021

Dang Wen Li by Dominique Ansel Harbour City 當文歷餅店 (Hong Kong, CHINA) ★★★★☆

Little nugget has been requesting for a trip to Toys R Us for weeks. Since we cancelled our visit to the Hong Kong Park after lunch, we decided to grant him his wish with a stop at Harbour City before his Taekwondo class.

Now that he has gotten his toys, it was time for dad to get his wish too, and that would be a trip to DangWenLi (當文歷餅店). Rumor had it that the beloved French patisserie cafe would be changing up their “Around the World” collection next week, so I thought it would be good to bid farewell to some of my favorite pastries.

Dang Wen Li by Dominique Ansel Harbour City (當文歷餅店)

Fromage (法國軟芝士) – Little nugget’s favorite cheesecake. I don’t know how it happened but just when every kid I know is still enjoying cheesecakes from Maxim’s, my little one had already move on. These days, he only exclusively asks for cheesecakes from Lady M or DangWenLi!

Dang Wen Li by Dominique Ansel Harbour City (當文歷餅店) - Fromage (法國軟芝士)

This came with creamy Brie mousse, Fontina cheese sable and a cheese sponge. Very soft (I could almost use foamy to describe its texture) and rich in Brie cheese flavors.

Dang Wen Li by Dominique Ansel Harbour City (當文歷餅店) - Fromage (法國軟芝士)

Pretzel (蝴蝶脆餅) – Pretzel bavaroise, soft caramel and peanut praline and crispy peanut butter feuilletine in the shape of a giant pretzel.

I know little one absolutely hates peanut butter so this one is safe with me!

Dang Wen Li by Dominique Ansel Harbour City (當文歷餅店) - Pretzel (蝴蝶脆餅)

Sugar cane sorbet (唔該蔗蔗) – I have been hearing mixed reviews about DangWenLi's sugar cane sorbet which was made with sugar cane juice from Kung Lee (公利). Some reviewers claimed that the sorbet could be sweeter and richer in sugar cane flavors but I decided to check it out myself.

Dang Wen Li by Dominique Ansel Harbour City (當文歷餅店) - Fresh sugar cane sorbet (唔該蔗蔗) Kung Lee (公利)

Having been a fan of Kung Lee's fresh sugar cane juice and pudding for years, I have to admit, this was a little light but I do like the authenticity and of course, I love anything "Made in Hong Kong" so it was perfect. I definitely won't mind having this again.

Dang Wen Li by Dominique Ansel Harbour City (當文歷餅店) - Fresh sugar cane sorbet (唔該蔗蔗) Kung Lee (公利)

Food Rating: 7/10
Price: $$$
Address: Shop OT G63A, G/F, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City, 3-27 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Closest Metro Station: Tsim Sha Tsui
Tel: +852 2613-8618
Opening Hours: 11:00am - 8:00pm daily

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