Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Common Ground (Hong Kong, CHINA) ★★★☆☆

My quest for some of the most delicious cheesecakes in town took me to unchartered territory once again. I have been reading about all these marvelous cheesecakes in different parts of the city in recent weeks, from Rubia's warm (blue) cheesecake to MOYO's truffle cheesecake with mascarpone cream and Sake Central's basque umami cheesecake. This one was a little closer to my dinner venue tonight - Burnt cheesecake brought to us by the folks at Twins Kitchen who's also behind this community cafe called Common Ground.

Common Ground - community cafe, coffee shop Shing Wong Street Central Sheung Wan HK

I was soaking wet when I finally pushed open the doors at Common Ground, which was just a stone's throw from the famous Wing Lee Street (thanks to the award-winning film). 

Common Ground - community cafe, coffee shop Shing Wong Street Central Sheung Wan HK

What I thought was a short comfortable walk (Google map said 11 minutes) turned into an adventure and it got my blood pressure up walking those stairs (from PMQ). At one point, I wasn't optimistic that I was going to make it under the heat. But thank goodness I was able to survive the walk and live to talk about this, my burnt cheesecake and salted chocolate.

Common Ground - community cafe, coffee shop Shing Wong Street Central Sheung Wan HK - Basque Burnt Cheesecake

I needed this icy cold drink about 10 minutes ago. It was late but like my friends used to say, it's better late than never.

Common Ground - community cafe, coffee shop Shing Wong Street Central Sheung Wan HK - Iced Salted Chocolate

Burnt Cheesecake - I trotted half-way across the globe (okay, exaggerating a bit!) just to lay my hands on this Basque burnt cheesecake from Twins Kitchen. 

Common Ground - community cafe, coffee shop Shing Wong Street Central Sheung Wan HK - Basque Burnt Cheesecake

It was soft, fluffy and rich flavored but for me, a bit too powdery. Yeah, call me old-fashioned but I am more of a fan of the traditional New York style cheesecake (thinking about the one from Carbone right about now).

Common Ground - community cafe, coffee shop Shing Wong Street Central Sheung Wan HK - Basque Burnt Cheesecake

These were the stairs I was talking about earlier. For a moment, I seriously thought about turning back but I am no quitter!

Food Rating: 5/10
Price: $$$
Address: 19 Shing Wong Street, Central, Hong Kong
Closest Metro Station: Central / Sheung Wan
Tel: +852 2818-8348
Opening Hours: 9:00am - 6:00pm daily

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