Friday, August 23, 2024

Gelateria Liri (Avignon, FRANCE) ★★★★☆

I can’t believe I am forcing my little boy to have a scoop of gelato just to get a photo of him licking on it in the historic centre of Avignon. Life is rough as a daddy these days.

Gelateria Liri Is an artisanal gelateria serving up more than 20 different flavors on any given day.

While this guy went with his usual vanilla gelato, we had other plans in mind.

Hazelnut gelato and pear sorbet (5) – This is not a bad price to pay for two scoops of gelato/sorbet but they are tons of competition when it comes to gelateria in Avignon as there are more than half a dozen of them within striking distance.

We've had our share of pistachio gelato on this trip already so we decided to go for something different this time. The hazelnut gelato was so incredibly rich and creamy; it was a very nice change of pace. The juicy pear sorbet came with chunks of pear compote in the middle. Needless to say, it was the best weapon to quench our thirst on a hot summer day like this.

I really enjoyed the stark contrast between the nutty hazelnut gelato and refreshing pear sorbet. Now that I have rejuvenated a bit from the frosty dessert, perhaps I should have enough legs to finish the tour in Avignon’s Old Town. 

Food Rating: 6.5/10
Price: €€
Address: 5 Rue des Marchands, 84000 Avignon, France
Tel: +33 (0)7 5155-6091

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