Friday, August 16, 2024

Brasserie Lazare Paris (Paris, FRANCE) ★★★★☆

We all got a nice nap of about two hours after our meal at Restaurant Le Tout Paris and were ready to roll again. There was only one more thing remaining on the itinerary today, a simple dinner at Brasserie Lazare Paris.

Brasserie Lazare Paris (Paris, FRANCE) - Railway French brasserie at Gare Saint-Lazare by three-Michelin-starred chef Eric Frechon honest, satisfying and unpretentious cooking

Located on the ground floor of Gare Saint-Lazare, Brasserie Lazare Paris is no ordinary railway brasserie thanks to the guidance of none other than three-Michelin-starred chef Eric Frechon who is behind one of my favorite restaurants in Paris, Épicure at Le Bristol Paris.

Brasserie Lazare Paris (Paris, FRANCE) - Railway French brasserie at Gare Saint-Lazare by three-Michelin-starred chef Eric Frechon honest, satisfying and unpretentious cooking

Baked snails with garlic and parsley – The menu here changes regularly but you would most certainly find this dish on most nights. It was little one's first encounter with baked snails and he loves them!

Brasserie Lazare Paris (Paris, FRANCE) - Railway French brasserie at Gare Saint-Lazare by three-Michelin-starred chef Eric Frechon honest, satisfying and unpretentious cooking

Traditional French onion soup gratinée – Of course, we needed to cross this off our list as well. A French onion soup with generous layer of melted cheese and French bread. What's there not to like? 

Brasserie Lazare Paris (Paris, FRANCE) - Railway French brasserie at Gare Saint-Lazare by three-Michelin-starred chef Eric Frechon honest, satisfying and unpretentious cooking

Roasted cod with tomatoes, ginger and basil – The roasted cod was incredibly moist, flaky and silky smooth meshing well with the ratatouille-like sauce made with tomatoes, peppers and ginger. A very simple but hearty dish that was very satisfying for the tummy.

Brasserie Lazare Paris (Paris, FRANCE) - Railway French brasserie at Gare Saint-Lazare by three-Michelin-starred chef Eric Frechon honest, satisfying and unpretentious cooking

Chicken supreme with olives, lemon and basil gnocchi – The chicken was really meaty which worked well to clog up the thick and flavorful sauce. Little nugget didn't like the homemade gnocchi flavored with basil (I didn't blame him).

Brasserie Lazare Paris (Paris, FRANCE) - Railway French brasserie at Gare Saint-Lazare by three-Michelin-starred chef Eric Frechon honest, satisfying and unpretentious cooking

Praline cream puff with vanilla ice-cream, chocolate sauce – Only yours truly had room for the sweet stuff and this came highly recommended by our server.

Brasserie Lazare Paris (Paris, FRANCE) - Railway French brasserie at Gare Saint-Lazare by three-Michelin-starred chef Eric Frechon honest, satisfying and unpretentious cooking

When he said cream puff, I was expecting a little choux pastry with vanilla whipped cream in the middle.

Brasserie Lazare Paris (Paris, FRANCE) - Railway French brasserie at Gare Saint-Lazare by three-Michelin-starred chef Eric Frechon honest, satisfying and unpretentious cooking

But this turned out to be a giant cream puff with a generous portion of vanilla ice-cream in the middle and it was finished off with a shower of rich milk chocolate ganache. By far the best dish of the night, at least for me!

Brasserie Lazare Paris (Paris, FRANCE) - Railway French brasserie at Gare Saint-Lazare by three-Michelin-starred chef Eric Frechon honest, satisfying and unpretentious cooking

I love a French brasserie that serves honest, satisfying and unpretentious fare, and that's what Brasserie Lazare is all about. Needless to say, it doesn't hurt that it's just a stone's throw from our hotel.

Food Rating: 6.7/10
Price: €€€
Address: Parvis de la gare Saint-Lazare, rue Intérieure, Paris, 75008, France
Tel: +33 (0)1 4490-8080
Closest Metro Station: Saint Lazare
Opening Hours: 8:00am - 10:00pm (Mon - Fri), 11:00am - 10:00pm (Sat), 11:45am - 10:00pm (Sun)

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