Friday, December 29, 2017

Des Gâteaux et du Pain (Paris, FRANCE) ★★★★☆

I thought I was done with desserts after visiting Ladurée and Acide Macaron earlier today but with so much temptation on the elegant streets of Saint Germain, I knew I would eventually give in. And I did.

Founded in 2006, Des Gâteaux et du Pain is one of the leading pastry shops in Paris, led by Claire Damon, one of the leading female patissiers in the business. As the name already indicates, the shop is divided into two sections. On the right is the bakery side of the business featuring their lovely selection of bread (Very nice butter croissants!).

On the left is their cake section, featuring a collection of flamboyant cakes including the always-popular Pamplemousse Rosa cake and Lipstick, a red dome-shaped creation with kirsch, stewed cherries and half-cooked Morello cherries and vanilla cream.

Chef Damon has a very impressive resume with her including 5 years working alongside Pierre Herme and another 5 years with Christophe Michalak. That's quite an amazing background for any pastry chef.

Le Mont Blanc Cassis (6.50 Euro) - My tour of Mont Blanc cakes continued right here with their Le Mont Blanc Cassis, a shortcrust pastry tart with marzipan paste and blackcurrant compote, glazed chestnut, chestnut cream, crispy meringue and whipped cream.

It was surprisingly light and not too sweet. A well balanced tart with nice, attractive flavors and textures. 

Kashmir (6.80 Euro) - From bottom up, soft almond biscuit, Sicilian orange and date compote flavored with saffron, crème brûlée with saffron pistil and vanilla mousse.

That's quite a lot of ingredients packed inside this relatively small reality estate. I am not a fan of dates but I found the lovely acidity of the orange and date compote quite an interesting match with the vanilla mousse and saffron. Pretty nice.

The longer I spent inside this pastry shop, the more I appreciate the amazingly crafty work Chef Damon has done with her tarts. I wish I could fit more into my tummy!

Food Rating: 7.2/10
Price: €€€
Address: 89 Rue du Bac, 75007 Paris, France
Closest Metro Station: Rue du Bac
Tel: +33 (0)6 9895-3318

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