Sunday, August 8, 2010

Restaurant Ringgenberg (Bern, SWITZERLAND) ★★★☆☆

After a brief stopover in Metz, we turned up the speed and quickly found ourselves in Bern, the capital city of Switzerland. While the city is a less popular choice for tourist than fellow Swiss cities such as Zurich and Geneva, this is exactly what we are looking for - a place with a rich cultural experience highlighted by the Old Town of Bern.

We managed to catch a few tourist spots before the sun came down. By the time we checked our watches, it was almost 10pm already! Thankfully, we found Restaurant Ringgenberg, a small bistro still buzzing with energy. European and Mediterranean cuisine with a modern twist, that certainly works for us.

Wasting no time deciding what to order, I had this sesame crusted chicken breast with a Mediterranean style salad.

At this hour where most restaurants were closed, this spaghetti with prawns and octopus felt like the best pasta we've ever eaten.

Thank you, Bern for your hospitality. Time to bring on Grindelwald and Luzern.

Food Rating: 4/10
Price: €€€
Address: Kornhausplatz 19, 3011 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 31 3112540

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