Saturday, May 4, 2024

Ipswich FC is returning to the top flight after 22 years!!!

These were moments where I thought this would never happen in my lifetime but my beloved Ipswich Town FC is going back to the Premiership this August after 22 years of hiatus. There were some long and painful nights watching different versions of the squad fail miserably in front of my eyes under different managers (Keane, Jewell, McCarthy, Hirst and Lambert) but Kieran McKenna was the right man for the right job. Two promotions in three years, that was an amazing accomplishment by someone special!!! I am going to enjoy this one for now and look forward to the boys playing the BIG boys at Old Trafford, Anfield, Stamford and Etihad Stadium.

   (Photo credit: ITFC official website)

I travel around donning my Ipswich training jacket a lot this year. Perhaps, I am giving the team some good luck with that. Who knows! 😆😆

I am going to keep a close eye on how the team approaches the off-season. There should be a ton of ins and outs after they make a full evaluation of the current squad. And they don't have much time doing that before the start of next season.

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