Saturday, April 7, 2012

Misokatsu Yabaton Meitetsu Nagoya Store 矢場とん 名古屋駅名鉄店 (Nagoya, JAPAN) ★★★★☆

A couple of tofu dishes are not going to keep us full very long. By 4pm, we were already itching for more food. Of course, I remembered there was still one more place remaining on my to-do list, Misokatsu Yabaton (矢場とん) and they have a branch here at Meitetsu Department Store (名鉄百貨店本館) which is directly connected to Kintetsu Nagoya Station (近鉄名古屋駅).

I couldn't believe it ended up taking almost an hour to get ourselves a table.

This was what we came here for, Misokatsu Yabaton's famous misokatsu which is tonkatsu (breaded deep-fried pork cutlet) served with a unique sauce made of dried bonito stock, sugar and miso. This was a dish originated from Nagoya and Aichi Prefecture.

We were finally seated after the long wait!

Our deep-fried pork cutlet served sizzling hot with their special miso sauce on a hot iron plate.

This was so yummy! The miso sauce was a little over the top but it meshed well with the shredded cabbage and breaded pork cutlets which was pretty fatty and tender.

Even the deep-fried asparagus came with the same breadcrumbs and signature miso sauce.

Misokatsu Yabaton Meitetsu Nagoya Store is located on the 9th floor of the Meitetsu department store. The wait is long but now that I have tried their misokatsu myself, I can confirm that it's totally worth the waiting time.

Food Rating: 6/10
Price: ¥¥¥
Address: 9/F Meitetsu Department Store Nagoya, 1-2-1 Meieki, Nakamura, Nagoya, Aichi 450-0002, Japan
Closest Metro Station: Meitetsu Nagoya Station
Tel: +81 (0)52-563-7373

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