Thursday, April 4, 2024

RC Restaurant 紅雞冰廳 (Hong Kong, CHINA) ★★★☆☆

It's Ching Ming Festival (清明節) today and I'm bringing little nugget out to do some tomb-sweeping and pay respect to his grandfather. It was raining a bit like it usually did on Ching Ming festival but otherwise, everything went smoothly. Afterwards, we went our separate ways with Jelloman and little one going to meet their friends and I headed off to see my buddy St Paul who's in town for a funeral.

I had less than two hours before lunch and with rain pouring harder and harder, I decided to stop by Kowloon City to find myself a shelter and kill off my spare time. Luen Fat Restaurant (聯發茶餐廳) was my first choice but as soon as I saw the small lineup in front, I quickly switched to my Plan B, RC Restaurant (紅雞冰廳) which was located just next door.

Iced milk tea (
奶茶) – I thought the tea wasn't strong enough today but even without the perfect balance, it was creamy and silky smooth. 

Egg omelette with ham and toast (多士炒蛋火腿) – Pretty decent. I asked them not to sprinkle any fresh chives on top and for the most part, they did a fine job doing just that.

Satay beef noodle (沙嗲牛肉一丁) – This was supposed to be one of the signature items here. The broth, as its color already suggested, was very rich in flavors. Same goes for the satay beef but it was way too flavorful that I could hardly taste the flavors from the beef which was why I liked the one from Sun Wah. The beef with satay sauce from Sun Wah was never over the top so you could actually enjoy the natural flavors from the beef.

Next up, I'm going to meet up with St Paul and his queen (actually his princess). Really looking forward to this cuz it's been a year since we last saw each other.

Food Rating: 4.9/10
Price: $$$
Address: G/F, 2B Hau Wong Road, Kowloon City, Hong Kong
Closest Metro Station: Sung Wong Toi
Tel: +852 2653-3166
Opening Hours: 7:00am - 9:00pm daily

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