Sunday, March 31, 2024

Hakka Yu Injoy 客語 卓悅匯店 (Shenzhen, CHINA) ★★☆☆☆

We had a very eventful morning to start off our second day. First, we took off to the Shenzhen Public Library and got ourselves some fresh air walking around the neighboring park.

The kids did some running on the grass.

Little nugget got some game cards from his gaming last night and he's hanging onto them like a treasure. Even during his running, he was holding his deck of cards firmly in his hand.

A few steps off the library was 
Shenzhen's Book City (深圳書城) which claims to be one of the largest in the world. Apart from bookstores, the venue is full of art-related boutiques, cafes and restaurants and I think we can easily spend a few hours of spare time. This is all attached to Children's Palace subway station  (少年宫站).

We had a long discussion on where to get our late lunch and at the end of the day, we decided to go up to Injoy (卓悅匯購物中心) which is directly connected 
to Shangmeilin station (上梅林站). This move was necessary as some of us (all the kids included) wanted a few more arcade games in the mall before our journey to Gankeng Hakka Town.

We ended up playing and playing until almost 3pm! Most places have already closed until dinner service but fortunately, the moms have already set up inside Hakka Yu (客語)

Hakka Yu Zhuoyuehui Shopping Center 客語 卓悅匯店 [Shenzhen, CHINA] - Hakka cuisine restaurant near Shangmeilin (上梅林) station

We ordered a bunch of stuff to share but most of the dishes were already long gone before we settled ourselves down. All in all, I thought a few of the dishes stood out for me. Hakka-style minced pork omelette pot (客家蛋角煲) and clay pot rice with preserved meat (臘味煲仔飯) were particularly disappointing.

Hakka Yu Zhuoyuehui Shopping Center 客語 卓悅匯店 [Shenzhen, CHINA] - Hakka cuisine restaurant near Shangmeilin (上梅林) station

Some dishes that I did take a photo of......

Pumpkin congee (南瓜粥) – Meh......

Hakka Yu Zhuoyuehui Shopping Center 客語 卓悅匯店 [Shenzhen, CHINA] - Hakka cuisine restaurant near Shangmeilin (上梅林) station

Steamed rice cake with osmanthus (桂花白米糕) – Actually tasted a little better than I imagined, especially with the fragrance from the osmanthus. 

Hakka Yu Zhuoyuehui Shopping Center 客語 卓悅匯店 [Shenzhen, CHINA] - Hakka cuisine restaurant near Shangmeilin (上梅林) station

Handmade whole-grain brown sugar bread (手工粗粮黃糖包) – I thought this was going to taste like Cantonese sponge cake but it was much more on the hard side.

Hakka Yu Zhuoyuehui Shopping Center 客語 卓悅匯店 [Shenzhen, CHINA] - Hakka cuisine restaurant near Shangmeilin (上梅林) station

After spending an hour and a half at Zhuoyuehui Shopping Center, it was time to call it quit. Somehow I felt like this was not the end of the story for the kids and it would come back to haunt us tonight with them requesting for more game time.

Food Rating: 3.9/10
Price: ¥¥
Address: Shop L4-26, Level 4, Injoy, 126 Zhong Kang Road, Futian, Shenzhen, China
Closest Metro Station: Shangmeilin (上梅林)
Tel: +86 (755) 8323-3233
Opening Hours: 11:00am - 2:30pm, 5:00pm - 9:00pm daily

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