Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Café Knotted Seongsu (Seoul, SOUTH KOREA) ★★★★☆

While the gang started walking slowly towards the iconic Dior concept store, I took a detour to the nearby Café Knotted for something we missed out at their IFC branch two days ago.

I really like the cute décor here. The bakery shop looks like part of a train from the outside and just very bright and inviting inside.

I immediately went over to the counter to check out the available bakery goods and doughnuts. 

And guess what, they have all three flavors of creamy (blueberry, strawberry and Mont Blanc) in store. Great news!

Mom really wanted to try their Mont Blanc creamy while we were at IFC Mall two days ago but it was all sold out. So, I made this special trip here just for her (and her breakfast). She must be super happy to see this.

I finally caught up with the gang in front of the landmark building that houses Cafe Dior and the brand's concept store.

Not surprisingly, there were tourists from all over the world posing here in front of this beautiful architecture. We're not alone!

Mom was happy to report the next morning that her Mont Blanc creamy was so pillowy and full of chestnut flavor. I didn't get to try it myself but I trust her taste buds when it comes to anything with chestnut.

Food Rating: 5.9/10
Price: ₩₩₩
Address: 316-5, Seongsu-dong 2-ga, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Closest Metro Station: Seongsu
Tel: +82 070-8834-9377
Opening Hours: 11:00am - 8:00pm daily

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